PVA (Alcohol) Stiffener
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Instructions for use:
- Presoak powder in cold or hot tap water (several hours). Stir enough to moisten and then allow it to set. Shake the jar now and then. Use a Mason jar. Soaking overnight works best.
- Store in air-tight container. It can be stored at room temperature for up to one year.
- Sizing solution can be sponged on to hat surface, dipped, or sprayed (ratio of water to powder varies for how it is used and your preference of stiffening).
- Sponge off excess sizing, steam* and block. *Steaming the hatbody while sizing is still wet forces the sizing from the surface allowing it into the hat fibers.
Suggested Ratio:
- Straw or Leather – 1 cup water to 1 Tbl powder
- Felt – 1/2 cup water to 1 Tbl powder
It is always best to apply multiple light layers of stiffener, rather than one glumpy, thick layer. Allow to dry between applications. Best practice is to wear a mask when working with powders.
TIP: Pour enough for use into a separate container, do not use directly from your main batch. Otherwise you will contaminate your main batch.
To speed up process:
- Once the PVA powder has absorbed water (1-2 hours) it is ready to heat over low heat. Place a pan of water under bowl of solution and slowly heat. Stir often. The solution needs to dissolve completely.
- PAY ATTENTION to this step. This is an alcohol based product, do not walk away while heating.
- Stirring frequently helps make a smooth mixture. When ready, you may want to strain mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove any remaining lumps. Allow to cool at room temperature.
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